Monday, May 11, 2009

Made one other early morning walk last week. I've also started listening to EconTalk podcasts which is nice because I get exercise and learn something at the same time. Just finished three sets of squats, dumbell curls and barbell rows.

Weight Goals by Month-end are:

May 245
June 240
July 235
Aug 230
Sep 225
Oct 220
Nov 216
Dec 212
Jan 208
Feb 204
Mar 200
Apr 199

Under 200 pounds in the next twelve months!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6th and I'm starting over again! I've lost ten pounds in the pas two weeks mostly through reducing the crap foods and late night snacks. Went to the G-town Rec Center on Monday and walked through SG Park for one hour, but haven't done anything since. Need to start lifting 2-3 times per week.

I feel energized again and just need to get in the habit of rising early to do something.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Eating Plan

Another key component to achieving my goal is controlling what I eat:

Eliminate: ice cream, chocolate candies, cake, french fries, pizza - full stop!

Reduce: bread, dairy, alcohol

Increase: Fresh vegetables, seafood and lean meat, water

I know from experience that my wife is not going to help out much. She is a total carb addict and stocks our house with all kinds of processed carbs. I'm going to have to make my own little grocery store trip once a week to get the things I need and cook up batches that I can take to work as lunch.

The general plan is fruit/nuts for breakfast, salad or leftovers for lunch and lean meat/veggies for dinner.

Exercise plan

I enjoy mixing up a variety of exersizes in concentrated 30 minute sessions, so here is my plan:

Mon: stretch, lower body weights (squats, deadlifts)
Tue: stretch, elliptical
Wed: stretch, pick from: step climbing, jump rope, heavy bag, calisthenics
Thu: stretch, elliptical or 1 hour walk, depending on weather outside
Fri: stretch, upper body weight (bench press, flys, curls)
Sat: mountain bike, hike, walk, maybe run 1 mile at the track or sprints once my weight is down

I want to increase the weight I lift by 2.5 pounds per week, max 8 reps starting from a fairly low point, and building up to where I can bench 200lbs 8x by year end

I also want to run an 8 minute mile

Week1 Day1 - Goal: Under 200 by year end

Here I go again, looking to get back in shape in stay there.

I fasted last night to get in a fat burning mode and weighed in this morning at 255, which is better than I expected given my total lack of exercise and out of control eating the past two months

I just worked out for 30 minutes on the elliptical and added a twist for the last five minutes where I continually "punched" at the air in time with my steps. For the last minute or so, I did this while twisting my midsection. Both actions created a nice little burn, especially in my shoulders.

My target weight numbers are:

Jan - 248
Feb - 238
Mar - 233
Apr - 228
May - 223
June -220

Sep - 210

Dec - 199 !!!!